Energy Solutions

px Energy Solutions sees the opportunities and risks of commercially optimising assets and market positions through the eyes of our client and provide energy management services that are tailored to each specific requirement.

Our capability includes a 24/7 presence in both the wholesale gas and electricity markets, along with providing around-the-clock commercial operations of energy-related infrastructure such as electricity generation assets and a wide range of gas infrastructure.

We work to find bespoke solutions which meet the needs of individual clients; from new entrants, generators, both large and small and end consumers to vertically integrated multinational traders. 

We offer clients a number of service levels – office hours, out of office hours, or 24 hours a day through our two 24/7 trading and commercial operations teams, supported by in house software development that has created the vast majority of systems used in day to day trading activities.

The commercialisation of our industry knowledge and experience is delivered by px Group’s subsidiary company Energy24.

Energy24 has experts with a deep understanding of the complex industry operations, regulation, legislation, and the overarching energy market landscape. This expertise ensures that we can identify and unlock value through our collaborative approach and commercial models.

Energy Trading

Participating within the UK electricity market requires an ability to successfully trade and manage industry commitments, ensuring your position is always optimised and opportunities are captured.

Our team has developed a number of innovative trading and operations services for a broad range of market participants in activities that include route-to-market electricity trading, embedded generation optimisation, and complex industrial import and export management. All our services are focused on efficient, value-adding solutions that seek to simplify a complicated industry.

Having worked with many new entrants to the energy market we know that it’s vital to get it right first time.  The process is complex and governed by numerous regulatory requirements, and a small error or oversight can lead to significant cost implications. 

We liaise with clients throughout their life-cycle, from new entrant set-up processes providing services and support during preparation for ‘go live’, with services and the relationship continuing beyond the ‘go live’ date to deliver various operational support activities. 

We cover all the entry processes required by Ofgem, Elexon (CVA services), National Grid, Joint Office of Gas Transporters and Xoserve, making the transition into the UK gas and electricity markets as straightforward and economical as possible. 

 Specialising in the ‘real-time’ spot market on electricity and gas, capabilities extend to cover forward trading over various timescales, including access to the various day ahead auctions to provide a combination of trading options.

Energy Supply and Offtake

Through px Group’s energy supply business, Coulomb Energy Supply Limited (CESL), Energy24 has the ability to supply  and offtake gas and electricity with industrial customers across the UK, delivering a range of options to manage requirements and optimise outcomes 24/7. 

These activities are designed to be beneficial to large, often complex, typically industrial demand (Half Hour metered) that may have on-site generation (e.g. CHP or gas turbines/gas engines).

If you are an industrial or commercial business that consumes over 100kW per half hour period or has onsite generation and/or has a large gas demand, then our team can help you access significant value by providing a transparent trading solution, without the need to set up a trading organisation.

Commercial Operations

Energy24 has significant experience in managing third party energy assets and long-term expertise in maximising the income for those asset owners. This allows clients to focus on their core business, reassured that the logistical and trading requirements of their businesses are being managed by Energy24 using well founded and long running systems and processes that are designed to be flexible and transparent. 

Services are designed to be adaptable and with an ability to respond to complex client needs and to grow with our clients’ operations.  The service is individually tailored to provide management solutions that deliver value and secure maximum return for the asset owners. 

In addition, E24 has taken on the 24/7 asset management role for several UK gas pipeline systems as well as performing the management logistics role for a significant North Sea asset owner and managed a number of CCGT facilities for various owners.

We provide dynamic, real time operations for a wide range of gas and electricity industry participants, be they gas shippers, traders, asset owners, energy suppliers or small independent operators.

 The 24/7 commercial operations and logistics activities are aimed at generation, production, transportation and storage assets to complement physical operation delivery.

Activities are workflow based and seek to add value, remove costs, and deliver expertise, capability, and results, consistently and reliably. 

Although highly configurable, typical areas cover:

  • 24/7 commercial operations
  • Bespoke Out of Hours (OOH) custodian services
    • Customer/National Grid interactions
    • Asset liaison
    • Trading and trade administration
    • LNG activities
  • PPA management
  • Availability & forecasting
  • Off-shore field nominations
  • Terminal & Pipeline nominations
  • Capacity, flow and blending processes
  • Allocation processes
  • Delivery/redelivery validations
  • Stock account management
  • End of Day position processes
  • Hydrocarbon and settlement processes
  • Claims Validation Agency activities
  • Fuel gas management


Emergency contact information
In case of an escape or a suspected escape of gas call the National Gas Emergency Service at 0800 111 999.

Policies, procedures & contact info
Customer Service and Complaints Procedure – For a PDF of the information please click here.

Please click here for the Code of Conduct Policy.

Fuel mix disclosure
Coulomb Energy Supply Limited customers, please click here for further information on our fuel mix disclosure.

px Supply Limited (PXSL) customers, please click here for further information on our fuel mix disclosure.

Access and FiT Statement
Coulomb Energy Supply Limited and px Supply Limited (PXSL) customers, please click here for further information on our fuel mix disclosure.

px Group Energy Management Services

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