Teesside gas processing plant celebrates 30th anniversary.

7th July marked 30 years of safe, reliable operations at Teesside Gas Processing Plant (TGPP) and to celebrate the occasion px Group CEO Geoff Holmes visited the site along with representatives of TGPP owner North Sea Midstream Partners (NSMP), including CEO – Sayma Cox.

Geoff Holmes said, “The 30th anniversary of the Teesside Gas Processing Plant is a proud and momentous occasion for all of us. In 30 years of operations, TGPP has processed enough energy to heat 121 million homes, approximately 4.4 times the number of households in the UK for one year, demonstrating the national significance of the plant.

Sayma Cox said “In celebrating this milestone, we have taken the opportunity to reflect on TGPP’s achievements of the past 30 years while charting a course for the future. We aim to continue operating at the cutting edge of infrastructure technology and explore further innovations that align with the UK’s ambitious sustainability goals. Please join me in congratulating TGPP on reaching this remarkable milestone. Here’s to another 30 years of success!

After the speeches, Plant Manager Fraser Thomson cut the cake to mark the occasion.

In 30 years TGPP has processed over 130 billion standard cubic meters of gas – but what does that volume look like in terms of things everybody can understand?

Well, that amount of gas would be the equivalent of 52.5 million Olympic size swimming pools or filling 1.65 million large football stadiums.

On an energy basis, the gas is enough to provide electricity to 411 million homes, approximately 15 times the number of households in the UK for one year. If we looked at this in terms of powering electric vehicles, it would be the equivalent of traveling round the earth more than 12 million times!

These figures show what a nationally significant asset TGPP really is. During the pandemic the team, like our other site-based teams, worked incredibly hard under very challenging circumstances to keep the lights on in the UK whilst most of us were able to remain in the safety of our own homes.

Reaching this significant anniversary is a testament to the plant’s operational achievements and the incredible partnership between px Group and NSMP, as well as the commitment, expertise and dedication of all the exceptional individuals who have worked on the plant.

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